In the first huge room you can admire the national teams jerseys. They are arranged by colours. With 209 members the display is truly impressive. Below comes just a selection: from orange to yellow ...
... from blue to green ...
... and a selection of all the shades of red. Actually, red is the most popular colour for a national team jersey.
In the museum you read about the highlights of FIFA itself and the rules of the game changing.
You can touch artefacts from the most prominent moments in the history of football. Well, you can touch the glass above them.
You can also see how the balls and shoes changed over the last century.
There are sections devoted to the referees ...
... to the players ...
... and to the winners.
You can visit the Maracana stadium ...
... and even literally take seats on the most prominent stadiums of the planet.
You can meet in person the mascots from the FIFA World Championship finals.
There are exhibitions devoted to people who have impacted the way we perceive football today, even if they did not play themselves. Like Alfred Baloyi, the creator of Makarapa.
There is even a section waiting for those of us who love postcards and stamps. Football has been featuring on many stamps, all over the world.
But obviously the game itself is the most important part of the museum. You can watch it on huge screens ...
You can read hints from the best players (did you notice what the ball looks like after it got kicked by a professional player?
You can practice yourself on a small pitch ..
... try some table football ...
... or take a real ball and try to pass one of the many challenges built for the visitors.
I liked best this full-size pinball game!
Next to the exit a surprise waits for the visitors - a wall of wishes, there everyone can write their biggest football wish.
My human family put one as well ...
Well, it seems to confirm that, as Bob Marley said, football is a whole universe.