Saturday, 13 February 2016


We will visit today Regensburg, another major city in the German state of Bavaria. The city takes its name from the river Regen and is called literally "the castle on the Regen". But the river you see here is not Regen, its Donau, because Regensburg is located where Regen flows into the Donau.

The history of Regensburg dates back to Roman times as it was established by the third Roman Legion in the second century after Christ. But the city was mostly marked by the Middle Ages. It is nowadays considered as the only authentically preserved large medieval city in Germany and as such it was declared UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The most important building in the Old Town is of course the Saint Peter's cathedral.

Next to it you can find a monument of the Bavarian king Ludwig I. And his horse obviously.

The Regensburg cathedral is a magnificent example of gothic architecture. You will notice it immediately by the high ceilings.

The altar is beautifully ornamented.

The chapels on the side of the main altar are separated by structures that look like balconies but are here only for decoration.

As in all gothic cathedrals, the stained glass windows are a piece of art.

So are all the smaller chapels.

Unlike in most of the churches, the organ is not in the back but on the side.

It is because in the back comes one of many graves of important bishops.

Let's have a walk in the Old Town again. Here comes the baroque Old Town Hall.

Like in any medieval city some streets are narrow ...

... and some others are wider.

Now it is time that we turn into the direction of the river Donau.

Here comes on of the main attractions of the city - the Stone Bridge.

Unfortunately, as you see, it is currently under renovation so it is hard to admire it. But this is what it looks like below those curtains.

"Regensburg - Steinerne Bruecke ohne Dom" by Hytrion at the German language Wikipedia.

Next to the Stone Bridge comes Sausage Kitchen, which is believed to be the oldest still operational cookshop in the world. A type of fast food in a sense.

On its walls you can see the level of the river Regen in years where it was flooding the city.

Some of them are higher than a horse.

I propose we take a break now and taste the famous Wurst. If people still buy them after almost 900 years (yes, nine hundred!) they must be really tasty. Enjoy!


  1. uwielbiam niemieckie stare miasta. w sumie w żadnym nie byłam, ale jak oglądam zdjęcia z tych miejsc to zawsze mi się podobają. mają jakiś specyficzny urok. a katedra przepiękna, wygląda imponująco zarówno z zewnątrz jak i od środka!

  2. Odwiedziłam to miasto na początku maja zeszłego roku - pięknie tam jest. Dzięki twoim zdjęciom powróciły wspomnienia, aż sięgnęłam do swoich zdjęć...
    Ale widzę, że kamienny most dalej remontują :(
    No i zdecydowanie lepiej mi brzmi polska nazwa: Ratyzbona.

  3. Nie byłam w tym mieście, ale słyszałam o nim. Ta katedra jest przepiękna! Chętnie zobaczyłabym ją na żywo :)
